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Watch the reality of chickens destined for Tesco shelves
Broiler breeds used in today's conventional farms are selected artificially, to make them grow unnaturally fast. As a result, their premature bodies cannot handle the weight, which leads to broken legs, other health disorders and even death.
If people grew this fast, a 5 year old child would weigh 150 kilograms.
Help us end this suffering and support the #TescoTruth campaign. Only with your help can we make Tesco commit to higher welfare standards for chickens.
These companies have signed up to the Better Chicken Commitment to eliminate some of the cruelest practices in their supply chain
To: David John Lewis (CEO of Tesco)
The short life of chickens reared for meat in Tesco's intensive factory farms is full of unnecessary pain and suffering. They are biologically selected to grow unnaturally fast and as a result many birds are unable to even stand and collapse under their own weight. Within 6 weeks, a portion of these animals do not even reach the slaughterhouse and those who do are painfully slaughtered.
Customers care about the fate of animals and expect chickens reared for meat to live in better conditions. I expect you to take firm actions improving chicken living conditions as follows:
The number of chickens reared for meat exceeds one billion with more than 95.5 % of them living in intensive factory farms! These changes will dramatically improve the lives of so many sentient beings.
I demand the above steps are taken to improve the fate of these animals.
It's only thanks to support from people like you that we can continue to combat this abuse.
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Spare an animal a life of suffering.